By different drugs more than one follicle are recruited in the ovaries to increase the chances of conception.
After ovulation, confirmed by USG post wash motile sperm solution (> 3 mill / ml), prepared from husband’s semen is to be introduced into the uterine cavity by a catheter.
It is a proses by which gametes from both the partners are collected and fertilized outside the body within the laboratory in an atmosphere closely resemble to the mother’s womb, and the resultant embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity.
Oocyte retrieval: After super ovulation female gametes (oocytes) are collected under G/A through USG guidance within 34 and ½ to 36 hours of ovulation induction.
Insemination: Mixing of both the gametes in a certain proportion (1 oocyte / 30000 motile sperms) is to be done within 4 to 6 hours of oocyte retrieval followed by sperm preparation from husband’s semen or donor’s semen sample.
Embryo culture: Fertilized oocytes or Zygotes are cultured in media within CO2 incubator till day 3/ day 4 embryo or blastocyst development when 2 good quality embryos or 1 good quality blastocyst are replaced into mother’s womb by a technique known as Embryo transfer.
Embryo transfer: Usually two day 3 or day 4 good quality embryos or one day 5 embryo (Blastocyst) are loaded in 40 μl media in a catheter and introduced into the uterine cavity under USG guidance for implantation.
It represents injection of one alive sperm into the cytoplasm of a metaphase II oocyte in case of severe male factor infertility or azoospermia.
Oocyte freezing is done usually for donor oocyte bank and when the male gametes are not available for insemination on the day of ovum pick-up. Embryo freezing are done usually for frozen embryo transfer and for surplus embryos following embryo transfer in fresh IVF cycle.
Sperm freezing is done when male partners are not available on the day of insemination or unable to produce semen on demand. In case of male partners before chemotherapy or radiotherapy for fertility preservation sperms are preserved for future use.
In case of azoospermia when sperms are not available in the ejaculate the sperms are to be retrieved from testis or epididymis by percutaneous epididymal sperm aspirations (PESA) or testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) or testicular sperm extraction (TESE). Sometimes sperms are to be retrieved by open biopsy or by microsurgery.
In case of women having premature ovarian failure, surgical removal of ovaries or age related decline in fertility of women less than 50 years, donated oocytes from eligible women has to be used for conception.
Women who are unable to bare their own child due to absence or pathology of the uterus can hire another women’s womb to carry their own conceptus as per ART BILL June 2022.
It is usually done in case of women having repeated unsatisfactory endometrium in IVF cycles to promote implantation. Isolation of mononuclear cells from peripheral blood of the women followed by infusion into her uterine cavity.
For last few decades, male factor infertility is gradually increasing. Almost 50% contribution in infertility comes from male partner. Environmental pollution, changing food habits, modification of life style and prolong exposer to electromagnetic field excreta are the real causes of increase in male factor infertility.
Evaluation of infertile male and fertilization potential of male gametes are performed by a combination of test.
Mild to moderate male factor infertility can be treated by IUI and IVF procedures. But for severe male factor infertility fertilization and conception can only be achieved.
Services for diagnosis and treatment of infertile male are provided by the experienced doctor and technician of IRM.
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